Software 43063 Published by

GlobalSCAPE has released Secure FTP Server Beta 1 for Windows NT, 2000 and XP.


- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Support - Configure Secure FTP Server's security features to verify the identity of users, allow users to verify your identity and encrypt file transfers using SSL for client and server authentication, message integrity, and confidentiality.

- S/Key Password Encryption - Prevent password interception using advanced S/Key encryption, when using GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server in conjunction with a secure FTP client such as CuteFTP Pro.

- Control User Setting Levels - Superior to adding users to groups to define folder permissions, User Setting Level contain detailed user account information such as disk and bandwidth quotas, allowing you to restrict commands such as Print Working Directory (PWD) for greater security and control. You can even make changes site-wide or to multiple users, just by changing the properties of one user's setting levels.

- Full Digital Certificate Management System - With GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server you can create, sign, import, export and add digital certificates to trusted list.

- Operate Virtual Sites - Operate multiple FTP sites with unique directory structures and user accounts from one server.

- ODBC and NT User Accounts - Use your NT user accounts or those stored in an ODBC data source in addition to the built-in user database.

- Restrict Access by IP Address - Specify any configuration of granting or denying access to the server by IP address.

Multipart Uploads - Take full advantage of you bandwidth by using the multipart upload capabilities when using CuteFTP Pro and GSFTPS.

CRC 32 File Integrity Check - Go beyond file name, size and timestamp when comparing files using CRC 32.