Security 10817 Published by

Server Response To SMTP Client EHLO Command Results In Buffer Overrun

The Internet Mail Connector (IMC) enables Microsoft Exchange Server to communicate with other mail servers via SMTP. When the IMC receives an SMTP extended Hello (EHLO) protocol command from a connecting SMTP server, it responds by sending a status reply that starts with the following: 250-Hello

is the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Exchange server is either the FQDN or the IP address of the server that initiated the connection.

The FQDN would be used if the Exchange5.5 IMC is able to resolve this information through a reverse DNS lookup; the IP address would be used if a reverse DNS lookup was not possible or failed to resolve the connecting servers IP address.

A security vulnerability results because of an unchecked buffer In the IMC code that generates the response to the EHLO protocol command.

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