Reviews 52260 Published by posted a review on the SilverStone Heligon Series HE01 CPU Cooler

Like so many manufacturers nowadays SilverStone have, over the past few years, been branching out into numerous areas to ensure a strong business. We have seen some great cases from them, such as the FT02 and in their power supply family the Gold certified are also impressive. Elsewhere the DC01 network storage device and DS321 HDD enclosure show just how diverse the brand now is.

The focus of today's review is one of SilverStones latest coolers. From the Heligon series the HE01 supports all recent CPU sockets and has one of the chunkiest bundled fans we have seen, as well as the option to install two more on the heatsink if we wish.
  SilverStone Heligon Series HE01 CPU Cooler Review