Software 42993 Published by

SimpleEye displays the following system information...

Local Date and Time.
Computer Uptime.
CPU(s) (Model, Manufacturer etc).
CPU Clock Speed(s) (MHz).
Graphics Card (Model, Manufacturer etc).
Audio Card(s) (Model, Manufacturer etc).
Network Card(s) (Model, Manufacturer etc).
USB Device(s).
Processes (Total, minimum and maximum).
RAM (Total, load, minimum and maximum load (load including Page File)).
Local Disk Drives (Total space and load).

The information SimpleEye displays is updated every 60 seconds.

Dynamic information is flagged when in 'NetworkMode' (designed for roaming network users, or single-machine multi-user environments).

No install required. Includes self-referencing options.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: 90 Kb]

SimpleEye 1.35