Security 10833 Published by

Henry++ has released a new version of Simplewall, a simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) on your computer.

Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer.

The lightweight application is less than a megabyte, and it is compatible with Windows Vista and higher operating systems. You can download either the installer or portable version. For correct working, need administrator rights.

New in v.3.2.1

  • added Enable silent-mode when full screen app in foreground option
  • added error message for createprocess failure (issue #720)
  • highlighting valid connections in network tab
  • changed "Disabled apps" group title into "Apps without internet access"
  • skip uac warning does not worked (issue #724)
  • notification window localized in english only
  • revert ip version selection ipv4/ipv6 in rules editor (issue #723)
  • revert expand rules in tooltip (issue #723)
  • revert "recommended" tag (fix #719)
  • fixed bugs
