Reviews 52261 Published by has take a look at the latest chipset from SiS - the 648 FX.

The original SiS 645 took the Pentium 4 market by storm. It took SiS from the bargain basement into prime-time, and enthusiasts took notice. At the time Intel was still behind Rambus RDRAM for their flagship 850 chipset, and they were just barely starting to test the waters for DDR on the P4 platform, which gave the 645 a market of its own. (The P4X266 doesnt count). As Intel dumped RDRAM and decided to get into high performance dual channel DDR with the E7205, SiS again came up with a low cost alternative, the dual channel 655. SiSs first attempt to counter the 865\75 with 800mhz fsb is the curiously single channel 648FX, which we will be looking at today.
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