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Red Chair Software has released Notmad Explorer 2 and Notmad SQL for the Nomad MP3 Players

Notmad Explorer
Notmad Explorer is the first and only Windows Namespace Extension for Creative Nomad MP3 Players. Integrating tightly with Windows, Notmad lets you browse, transfer, format, and configure your player from within Windows Explorer, without any separate program. Notmad Explorer appears as an icon under My Computer, giving you drag-and-drop transfer capability as if your Nomad was another drive on your system.
Notmad SQL
The Notmad SQL Engine is software that exposes the Creative Nomad Jukebox as a true SQL relational database. The Engine is encapsulated in notmadsql.exe, a Win32 command-line utility that takes an SQL statement as a command-line argument, and outputs the result table as tab-delimited text, comma-separated text, HTML tables, or XML.