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TheTechLounge takes a look at the Sonos Digital Music System

I have discussed in many reviews the desire to live the digital lifestyle. This so-called new lifestyle has obviously been coined by many companies and countless marketing majors as they try to sell us their new products. These products range from high storage capacity NAS devices to full service media PC's. Each company puts their own spin on a particular product, in an attempt to get the consumer to bring their music or their video off their computer and onto their device. Sometimes this works, other times it is a horrible failure. Today's digital lifestyle contender is the Sonos Digital Music System. Basically, this is a network MP3 player. Although not exactly a groundbreaking idea, in the end it all comes down to execution. If you think about it, the iPod is just another MP3 player very similar to all the rest, but its execution (and arguably, the design) was spot on. What I want to know is if Sonos' new ZP80 bundle is actually a well executed network MP3 player, or just another shot in the dark. For my tests, Sonos has provided a ZP80 bundle, ZP100 ZonePlayer, SP100 LoudSpeakers, and a Cradle.
Sonos Digital Music System Review