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CDR-Zone posted a review on the Sony 16x DVD+R media

It's review time again at CDR-Zone.COM and for our latest review SirQUK takes a look at Sonys 16x DVD+R media courtesy of Troy and the gang at DvdShopOnline. Available in Jewel case or value 50 spindle format, it boasts AccuCore technology which is Sonys's protection system for recordable DVD media. It's also the first time CDR-Zone.COM have taken the lid off of a Sony spindle for reviewing.

So its a CDR-Zone.COM first and should make for some very interesting reading. Oh and we also get to showcase Pioneers latest DVD writer - the Pioneer DVR 111 D. Will it continue in the same vein as previous Pioneer writers by refusing to allow booktype changing on DVD+R media?

To find out what SirQUK made of Sony's 16x DVD+R media and for a first look at the Pioneer DVR 111 D here at zone head on over to the review located here.
Sony 16x DVD+R media review online