Software 43037 Published by

StartRight will manage the execution of programs that are automatically started by the operating system at logon time. Instead of executing many programs at once (causing your OS to spit and sputter and attack your hard drive), StartRight will give the OS time to execute the program before running the next program. The OS should become much more responsive almost imediately after logon.

Those of you that have a dozen system tray programs (and you know who you are), might want to give this a try.

Move the program to it's permanent home and run it. Just press the Intall button and StartRight will do its thing the next time you logon. It is highly recommended that you place StartRight in your Program Files folder, especially on NTFS systems because of security settings. For NT/2k/XP users, Windows by default requires Administrator rights to manipulate the system's run key and startup folders. You can adjust those settings if you need StartRight to work for users with lower security rights.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: 410 Kb]

StartRight 1.32