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Benchmark Reviews posted a review on the Sunbeam SATA-IDE-USB Adapter

If you have a lot of spare hard drives laying around that you want to see if they work and what they contain, but dont want to take the effort to install them in your desktop, Sunbeamtech has a solution for you. This device is also a perfect fit for an IT person to use as a data recovery tool. The device I am referring to is the SATA and IDE to USB Adapter. Benchmark Reviews is pleased to give you a closer look at this device, and just what we can expect from a tool like this. It boasts USB 2.0 high-speed tranfer rates, and the ability to access files on drives both 2.5" and 3.5" in size. So, if you are an IT professional, or just someone who has a lot of spare drives laying around that you want to see what is on them, check out this product from Sunbeamtech, and the review from Benchmark Reviews.
Sunbeam SATA-IDE-USB Adapter Review