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Microsoft has released Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates

SMS 2003 Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates, the latest security updates inventory tool for Systems Management Server, provides a flexible and reliable security update, update rollup and service pack management system built on Windows Server Update Services technology. This version includes a full installation of the inventory tool as well as the redistribution of the Windows Update Agent for detection and deployment of the latest security updates, update rollups, and service packs from Microsoft for a variety of products including Windows, Office, SQL, and Exchange.

Important: This tool only installs and is operational on SMS 2003 SP1 sites and advanced clients. In addition you must upgrade several components before you use this tool. For more information about the required upgrades, see the Pre-Installation Guide included with the product download.

If you have installed SMS 2003 SP2, do not install this version of the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates. Instead you must use the version that shipped with SMS 2003 SP2, which can be located in the \scantools directory on the SP2 media.
Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates