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Hot Hardware has posted their GeForce 3 Ti 500 preview

NVIDIA is at it again. Just when we were all getting used to the idea of a new chipset standard from the 3D graphics giant, we're thrown the proverbial curve ball. The timing couldn't be any better. ATi, NVIDIA's main competitor, is about to ship their next generation product and what better way to steal ATi's thunder, than to release a new product of their own? Better yet, how about a whole new line of products?

Just about this time in 2000, NVIDIA not only unveiled the GeForce 2 Ultra but also a new set of drivers that promised to increase performance for all NVIDIA 3D chipsets. Well, a little over a year later we find ourselves in the same situation. Not only does NVIDIA have new hardware on the horizon but just a few weeks ago, NVIDIA's Detonator XP drivers were released, with that same promise of increased performance. These new drivers coupled with the new hardware comprise the Titanium (Ti) line of products.
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