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Hardware Logic posted a review on the Thecus N5200BR NAS (Network Attached Storage)

Storage freaks rejoice! Even with 1TB hard drives, 32GB USB thumb drives, and external HDD enclosures, the true storage junkie is always looking for a simpler, better, and more secure way of stashing their collection of por, er, movies, music, pictures, and important files. Featuring five hot swappable SATAII drive bays in RAID 0,1,5, 6,and 10, as well as JBOD (Just a Bunch Of Disks), and over 3TB of storage space, the N5200 NAS (Network Attached Storage) box trumps standard storage devices like those mentioned above in that you can access it from any point on your network, instead of attaching it to one device at a time.
Thecus N5200BR NAS (Network Attached Storage) Review