Reviews 52260 Published by has completed a review on the ThermalTake Geforce4 Ti Copper Cooler.

ThermalTake (TT) has a new chipset cooler out, called the GeForce 4 Highest Performance cooler and it's designed for the Nvidia Geforce4 Ti series video cards. Along with the cooler, you get memory heatsinks to keep your memory cooler. The TT GeForce 4 Highest Performance cooler is suppose to keep your Geforce4 video card cooler than the stock cooling that was found on your card when you bought it. The Geforce4 video cards doesn't come stock with memory heatsinks, or atleast I know that my MSI Geforce 4 ti 4600 card didn't. With that being said, one would think if you did install these memory heatsinks, along with the GeForce 4 Highest Performance cooler that we have here, you would be able to overclock your video card more than you could before installing this cooler and memory heatsinks. Do they really help cool and allow you to overclock more, or are they just something pretty to put on your card? Well, read on and we'll see!
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