Windows 11 548 Published by

ThisIsWin11, a tool that allows you to customize Windows 11 in one location, has finally received a new update from Belim.

ThisIsWin11 1.4.0

Thank you! ThisIsWin11 passes 1 million downloads has been updated

  • Sign of Life! The project is alive. Had a busy schedule the past couple of months.....I'm slowly waking up again
  • Titlebar matches Windows now and has Mica behind it  #175
  • ThisIsWin11 and  LoveWindowsAgain App have now been merged into one package.
    The latter application builds on the code of the former and partly vice versa. If you want to do it fast I recommend the LoveWindowsAgain App, for in-depth customizations you can use the ThisIsWin11 monster
  • Fix some links
  • Minor fixes

The LoveWindowsAgain app is only rolled out in the complete package and is not distributed via the automatic update function.

Use the LoveWindowsAgain asset file, to get the standalone version of  LoveWindowsAgain .
Please always download the file as it contains the complete application package.

Release ThisIsWin11 1.4.0 · builtbybel/ThisIsWin11