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CDR-Zone published a Traxdata EZ Drive 3-way Shootout

Are you one of those people that have been considering buying an USB pen or flash drive device? They are really cheap at the moment and offer a cheap and convient way to move upto 1 GB of data from laptop to PC and visa versa. USB drives are a students friend, and an engineers dream. No more carrying around DVD cases or worrying about wether or not you have kept you driver CD safe. As long as the host PC has an USB port, you can transfer files with great ease.

But are all USB devcies the same? are the dearer ones that much better than the cheaper ones or do you really get what you pay for? That is something that Ulukai has been investigating in his latest review for CDR-Zone.COM. Now renamed 'MR USB', Ulukai runs his review thumb over 3 of Traxdatas most popular USB pens courtesy of Traxdata who have supplied us with three 1GB USB pens, the Dragon, Aloha and EZ Drive Pro. So was the dragon better than the Aloha, or was the Pro version just miles ahead of the other two? We also get to introduce our defacto tool for benchmarking purposes - SIS Sandra Pro 2007.

So its a 3 way shootout between Traxdata's range of USB pen devices. To find out exactly which one came out on top ( if any ) head on over to the review
Traxdata EZ Drive 3-way Shootout