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Boost Mobile Gaming takes a look at the Turtle Beach Earforce X2 Headphones

The term 'hard core gamer' is synonymous with things like ordering pizza, dilated eyeballs, and late night gaming sessions. For those gamers that live with their parents, or in a dorm room with a roommate, or even got married somehow along the way (and are amongst the 3% of gamers to actually have kissed a person of the opposite sex), late night gaming sessions can be a nuisance to those you cohabitate with. Tragically, gamers are forced to make a decision - either turn off the sound, or annoy everyone and keep the sound on (is there really a decision to be made here folks? OF COURSE we keep the sound on). Fortunately enough, Turtle Beach has released a product specifically designed for Xbox and Xbox 360 users with the Ear Force Wireless Xbox Headphones that solve this age-old problem.
Turtle Beach Earforce X2 Headphones Review