Reviews 52260 Published by has posted a review of Ultimate HOTAS: CH Fighterstick and Pro Throttle USB, two gaming sticks for the PC.

The gameport F-16 Combat stick and Pro Throttle I have, which are I can’t even remember how many years old, work as well as the day I took them out of the box. The price of entry may be a bit high, but put simply, these sticks are built to last. Unfortunately however, Microsoft took the ability to program through the keyboard port out of the NT based operating systems, which includes 2000 and XP. When I made the switch, my beloved Combat stick and Pro Throttle couldn’t come with me. I asked the very nice people at CH for some new USB models, and they sent me their current top of the line setup, the USB Fighterstick and Pro Throttle, which is what we’ll be looking at today.
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