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The-Ctrl-Alt-Del has posted a comparsion review between the V3 3000, GeForce2 MX, and the GeForce2 GTS video card.

So here´s the scoop. Weric and I got together to show the one of the best card almost 2 years ago (V3 3000), and test it against two very good and recent cards to hit the road. The GeForce2 GTS and the GeForce2 MX on a Athlon 700MHz-800MHz-900MHz-100MHz. To tell you the truth, after all this time, and all this talk about the advancements of video cards, I was kind of surprised. I thought the margin would be A LOT bigger between them! But enough of this, look at the benchmarks and look for yourself. I´ll be trying to explain the price VS speed issue, and see what kind of Video Card YOU need. As a light, medium, hardcore, STUPIDLY INSANELY RICH WITH TOO MUCH TIME ON HIS HANDS AND GET OFF WELFARE gamers would like.
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