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Accelenation has posted 3 new articles:

VIA P4XB-RA Review
When I first heard that VIA would be making motherboards based on their own chipsets, I was a little surprised and skeptical. Why, when just about every board maker I can think of is using their chipsets, would VIA bother making boards themselves?
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Cobra 300GT Gaming System Review
You're kidding, right? Those were my next-door neighbor's exact words when I told him I was reviewing a pre-made gaming system made by Corsair Micro.
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Tyan Tiger MPX dual Athlon Motherboard Review
The most important features of the MPX chipset is the addition of 66Mhz 64-bit PCI slots. While this doesn’t seem particularly impressive, it really is the next logical step since the regular MP chipset left us with regular 33Mhz 64-bit PCI.
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