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ViaHardware has posted a review on the VIA PM133 chipset using the DFI CM35 motherboard. The PM133 chipset has the same features of the VIA Apollo Pro A with the addition of an integrated S3 Savage 2000/S4 hybrid graphics chip. This will allow VIA to finally compete with the Intel i810/i815 chipsets in the integrated market place.

Why would VIA be interested in S3 graphics? Because of the integrated market share. Currently VIA has no integrated chipset for the Intel Celeron and VIA/Cyrix processors. This leaves Intel to dominate the market with the i810 and i815 chipsets. Currently if one walked into a Best Buy or CompUSA and was looking at a Intel Celeron computer, it would almost for sure be powered by an Intel i810/i815 chipset. VIA wants to change that.
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