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Bjorn3D look at the Visiontek HD 3870 X2 Overclocked Edition.

Visiontek does it again!! It’s a two in one deal. Two GPUs under the same roof or should I say PCB. (To bad it isn’t two GPUs for the PRICE of one.) They couldn’t stop there though they had to make it even more tempting by overclocking it. Too many times space is wasted in your rig getting the power of two cards in Crossfire, now there’s just one card with one easy setup. Just set it and forget it. Or, if you are like me, drool over it.

The Visiontek 3870 X2 Overclocked Edition is one of the first cards to reach 1 teraFLOP boundry. FLOP stands for Floating Point Operations Per Second. TeraFLOP means one trillion Floating Operations Per Second. It is a measure of how many multiplications in a second the device can do. It basically means the more the FLOPS the faster the device can compute. Class dismissed, it’s time to play!
Visiontek HD 3870 X2 Overclocked Edition Review