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HardOCP had the opportunity to head up to Illinois a few weeks back in order to watch the first VisionTek GeForce3 card roll off the production line.

If you have been hanging around the [H]ardOCP for awhile, you are probably familiar with VisionTek. If you haven´t been with us long, you may not know them unless you have seen their GeForce3 Vid Cards on store shelves this week. The reason their name is not that widely known (yet) is that they have been working long and hard on the OEM side of things. Yeppers, many of those premium boxes you see at your local electronics retailer have VisionTek Vid Cards in them, although you probably did not know it.

While we are not going to get into specifics, we could sit here and rattle off a few of the largest and most quality-conscious computer builders, and that would be exactly who VisionTek has been catering to for years. I can confidently tell you that top-name OEM suppliers in the computer market produce some of the most reliable products on the planet. All that VisionTek is doing is taking that same product and selling it to you instead of the big OEM.
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