Security 10831 Published by

The VB-TSQL debugger object that ships with Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition has an unchecked buffer in the code that processes parameters for one of the object´s methods. The object can, by design, be programmatically accessed remotely. If the object were to be referenced by a program that contained specially malformed data within the parameter, eitherof two outcomes would result. In the less serious case, the attacker could cause the object to fail on the hosting machine. In the more serious case, the attacker could exploit the buffer overrun to run code of the attacker´s choice on the hosting machine.

The debugger object (vbsdicli.exe) is installed by default with Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition and runs in the context of the interactively logged-on user. The attacker could only execute a successful attack if he knew that a user had the component installed and that the user was logged in at the time of the attack.

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