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APH Networks has published a new review on the Vizo Propeller II PCI Slot Fan

Over the last couple of years, the computer market has become fierce and intense in all areas. The tight competition between processor makers AMD and Intel, as well as the graphics card front on the ATI/AMD and NVIDIA side, we have come to expect more powerful processors and video cards to do various tasks -- whether it's to play the latest DX10 games such as Company of Heroes, to something that simply pushes our graphics cards to the limit such as Crysis. Of course, there is a price to pay for this rapid increase in graphics performance. According to Murphy's Law, "If anything can go wrong, it will", there will always be one outcome that becomes detriment to the overall product. This is especially true in graphics cards; as seen with the increase of graphics performance, it tends to produce more heat. According to our previous tests, this application is true when it comes to the 8800GTS G92 running at a whopping 84 degrees on load. It could be cooled with an additional case fan or an improved heatsink, but what if you are tight on space? Well, then you are in luck, because today, we will review an affordable product that not only provides cooling in congested areas -- the Vizo Propeller II PCI slot cooler with direct heat exhaust.
Vizo Propeller II PCI Slot Fan Review