SAN JOSE, Calif., April 17 /PRNewswire/ -- 3dfx Interactive
Inc. (Nasdaq: TDFX - news), a global leader in developing and marketing 3D technology for personal computers, today announced a pre-order program for the highly-anticipated Voodoo5(TM) 5500 graphics card. The new Voodoo5, powered by 3dfx Interactive´s VSA-100 chipset, is the industry´s first 3D hardware solution to feature full-scene anti-aliasing (FSAA), a breakthrough feature which smoothes out the ``jagged edges´´ and eliminates the ``pixel popping´´ visual deficiencies prevalent on competitors´ offerings. The new product also features 3dfx´s proprietary T-buffer(TM) digital cinematic effects engine which enables, for the first time, acceleration of Hollywood style techniques such as motion blur, depth of field, soft shadows and soft reflections.
``We are very excited about launching our Voodoo5 5500 pre-order program in conjunction with our leading retailers,´´ said John Gunn, vice president of channel sales at 3dfx Interactive. ``This program allows consumers early access to this exciting new product by pre-ordering through a variety of locations either online or in their favorite retail store.´´
Customers may pre-order their Voodoo5 5500 AGP graphics boards immediately from a variety of leading retailers and online stores including, Babbages, Best Buy,, Circuit City, CompUSA, Egghead, Electronics Boutique, Futureshop,, Value America, and The product is available in both AGP and PCI bus versions, features 64 Mbytes of memory, and has an estimated retail price of $299. More information on the Voodoo5 pre-order program can be found at

``We are very excited about launching our Voodoo5 5500 pre-order program in conjunction with our leading retailers,´´ said John Gunn, vice president of channel sales at 3dfx Interactive. ``This program allows consumers early access to this exciting new product by pre-ordering through a variety of locations either online or in their favorite retail store.´´
Customers may pre-order their Voodoo5 5500 AGP graphics boards immediately from a variety of leading retailers and online stores including, Babbages, Best Buy,, Circuit City, CompUSA, Egghead, Electronics Boutique, Futureshop,, Value America, and The product is available in both AGP and PCI bus versions, features 64 Mbytes of memory, and has an estimated retail price of $299. More information on the Voodoo5 pre-order program can be found at