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Wallpaper Sequencer 4.0 beta 4 has been released

Wallpaper Sequencer is the most downloaded wallpaper manager on the Internet. The reasons for that are program’s simplicity, straightforward interface, easy navigation and program’s unique APS system. APS stands for Advanced Positioning System and processes wallpaper images so they get scaled-up correctly and never stretched or off-centered.

Wallpaper Sequencer works with Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP and supports all major image formats - BMP, JPG, JPEG, PNG, EMF, WMF, ZIP,GIF, PSD, PDD, PCX, PCC, WBZ, PSP, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PGM, PBM, TGA, VST, ISB, VDA, WIN, RLA, RPF, CEL, PIC. To make the task of creating wallpaper library easy, Wallpaper Sequencer comes in three different versions – Lite, Standard and Ultra.

The Lite version comes with all essential features for wallpaper management, omitting anything else. Priced moderately at 14.95 USD it outsells other program versions as well as competing titles. The Standard version has some cool extra features, like a semi-transparent calendar that helps you plan your activities ($ 19.95). The Ultra version, as its name implies, delivers all features one can expect from a wallpaper manager, a calendar and awesome clock skins, both digital and analog. This version costs 24.95 dollars, but is very popular among the advanced users, who crave cool digital-style skins, like WinAmp clock that comes with the program.

Wallpaper Sequencer also supports Active Desktop and renders the Taskbar transparent on Windows 2000/XP. The other great features are options for transparent background for desktop icon text, completely hidden desktop icons, and support for the virtual desktops that come with Microsoft Power Toys for XP.

Wallpaper rotation can be done by pressing hotkeys, upon system startup or shutdown, or after a specified time period. If you have an old computer, Wallpaper Sequencer can automatically close itself after a wallpaper change to reduce memory usage.

Changes in 4.0 beta 4:
• Support of 21 new image formats is added: GIF, PSD, PDD, PCX, PCC, WBZ, PSP, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PGM, PBM, TGA, VST, ISB, VDA, WIN, RLA, RPF, CEL, PIC.
• Fixed bug with possible memory leak if option "change every .." is used.
• Fixed bug with timer auto start.
• Some limitations of non-registered version were removed.
• Rewriten startup procedure.
• Taskbar transparency not saves - Fixed.
• "Only once per day" don't save disabled status after program restart - Fixed.
• Hints added for the buttons in the “hotkey” window.
• Changed last screen in the Intro.
• Default menu style changed to “Office XP”.
• Fixed: old random code was included to previous betas.
• Added option to disable calendar. You can find it on calendar page and in tray popup menu.
• Fixed bug with default calendar options.
• Fixed wrong description of hotkey.
• Fixed: drag'n'drop of image files to the form don't accept new file formats.


Download links:
Lite version:
Standard version:
Ultra version: