Windows 10 970 Published by

Microsoft has confirmed that the update will rolls out on 12 November

From Fudzilla:
The new operating system will bring Xbox One closer to the PC and notebook gamers and with a game stream from your PC, you can expect to see the Game DVR option too.
Not all the options preveiously shown off by Microsoft will make to this update. The company already said that Cortana won’t be ready in 2015 update. The Cortana for Xbox One is expected during of 2016.

Xbox One home interface will look a lot like Windows 10 after the update. The Home interface has been modified and rearranged to reassemble the Windows 10 experience on desktop, notebook and tablets. The update brings a heavier emphasis on text, large screen optimisation. There is vertical scrolling for the home screen and notification shortcuts can be pulled out of a side panel.
  Windows 10 hits Xbox One on 12 November