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Microsoft has released Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041 to Windows Insider in both the Slow and Fast rings.

Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041

Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041.1 (20H1) to Windows Insiders in the Fast and Slow rings.

Other updates for Insiders
Quick Searches go international
Last month we announced the new Quick Searches feature—available in Search Home—that makes it fast and easy to find web answers and results. Today, we’re happy to share that this experience is now expanding from EN-US to:

Australia: English
Canada: English and French
China: Chinese (Simplified)
France: French
Germany: German
India: English
Italy: Italian
Japan: Japanese
Mexico: Spanish
Spain: Spanish
United Kingdom: English
United States: English

Use Quick Searches to find out about weather, top news, today in history, new movies, and occasionally, a seasonal topic or interesting quiz. Depending on which market you’re in, you’ll see two to four of these options.

General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
The build watermark at the lower right-hand corner of the desktop is no longer present in this build.This doesn’t mean we’re done…
We fixed an issue resulting in an increased number of Insiders experiencing rollbacks (error code 0xc1900101) when upgrading to recent builds.
We fixed an issue from recent builds that could result in a crash when trying to log into a secondary account on your device.
We fixed an issue when using the Japanese IME in certain Office apps that could result in the candidate window not appearing when using reconversion.
We fixed an issue that could result in win32 apps experiencing an unexpected increase in CPU usage if left idle after having opened the Common File Dialog.

Known issues
BattlEye and Microsoft have found incompatibility issues due to changes in the operating system between some Insider Preview builds and certain versions of BattlEye anti-cheat software. To safeguard Insiders who might have these versions installed on their PC, we have applied a compatibility hold on these devices from being offered affected builds of Windows Insider Preview. See this article for details.
We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
We’re looking into reports of certain external USB 3.0 drives not responding with Start Code 10 after they’re attached.
We’re looking into reports of the Optimize Drives Control Panel incorrectly reporting that optimization has never run on some devices.

Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041