Microsoft's next major Windows release is rumored to have some connection to a 'Windows as a Service' concept. But WaaS may not be what many think.
From All About Microsoft:
From All About Microsoft:
No doubt there will be OneDrive integration with Windows Threshold, the next version of Windows which (in spite of a Microsoft China "leak") may or may not be called Windows 9 in the spring of 2015 when it's targeted to be available. There will be Skype integration. I wouldn't be surprised to see figuring in there somehow. And there has been talk about some kind of new backup capabilities, likely coming from the Azure side of the house...Windows as a service: Whats Threshold got to do with it?
But there have also been not-so-secret mentions of something called "Windows as a Service" that Microsoft watchers are linking to Windows Threshold. I've seen a few speculate that this means there is something in the works akin to an Office 365-type subscription pricing/service for Threshold.