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PC World posted a story that a Forrester study says people are buying Apple iPads but would much rather have a Windows tablet.

Forrester Research this week released a damning study of various vendors' tablet plans, which concluded that Apple will rule this field much as it does the MP3 player (iPod) market. The reason: Android tablets, along with the coming HP WebOS and RIM BlackBerry tablets, are overpriced, sold in cell phone stores that customers dislike visiting, and -- perhaps most critical -- not compelling products in their own right. Although some iPad competitors win on spec wars, none prevails where it counts: user experience and utility.

Those conclusions should be obvious to everyone (though apparently not to those tablet makers and their carrier partners), but the Forrester study had another insight I found both interesting and ironic: Most would-be tablet buyers really want a Windows tablet. In addition, several news reports this week sounded a curious theme, claiming that many iPad buyers were queasy about buying Apple products.
  Windows Tablets: Be Careful What You Wish For