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Windows Terminal v1.17.11391.0 has been released.

Windows Terminal v1.17.11391.0

Windows Terminal 1.17 is finally out of preview! It includes...

  • The ability to customize the order and contents of the New Tab menu!
  • scrollbarState always, for those of you who want to have a scrollbar constantly.
  • Last-chance profile restarting with Enter after it exits! Excellent for those IoT devices you SSH into!

Please see the following release notes for additional details:

Note The change from  v1.17.1073 where we would munge our version number didn't live much longer than a single release. We finally rejoined the Windows 10 and Windows 11 packages!

Note that the new scrollbar mark feature is still not included in this Stable build (?)

Why are there so many packages? How do I choose?

Please visit our page documenting the  Windows Terminal Distributions!


  • We have made some changes to the officially supported list of Terminal distributions!
    • The "unpackaged" distribution of Terminal is now officially supported on Windows 10 (10.0.19041.1 and higher) and
      Windows 11 (10.0.22000.1 and higher)! ( #15034)
    • We now offer support for running in  portable mode, where settings are saved into a directory alongside the
      app ( #15051)
    • If you have multiple unpackaged or portable installations of Terminal, they will now properly isolate from
      eachother ( #15118)
    • LEARN MORE at our new documentation page for  Windows Terminal Distributions!
    • In 1.18 and above: We've removed any runtime dependency on the "desktop" C++ Runtime Library ( #14733) ( #15010) ( #15097)
      • If you are installing 1.17 or below, you still need to install a VC++ runtime. Even in portable mode. Sorry.
  • We have added another way of detecting whether "Default Terminal" is available on your OS ( #15040)


  • file: URIs emitted by OSC 8 now support wsl$; URIs emitted by OSC 8 now support all valid schemas ( #14993)
  • The "Adjust Indistinguishable Text" feature now uses the Oklab color space (by Björn Ottosson) ( #15283)
    • It no longer has a measurable performance impact, either, so feel free to turn it on!
  • Any WSL distributions named rancher-desktop or rancher-desktop-data will now be ignored ( #15166) (thanks  @jamespack!)
    • Really sorry if you were using those for your day-to-day WSLing, but... what?

User Interface and Usability

  • The Profile Appearance preview now displays a more relevant and interesting preview ( #15363)
  • We rewrote a bunch of the subtitles in the Settings UI for diction and flow ( #15362) ( #15361)
  • Rejoice! We have reintroduced the original Windows Terminal UI themes under the names Dark (Legacy), Light (Legacy) and System (Legacy) ( #15108)
  • You will now be reprimanded harshly for choosing a proportional font ( #15195) (thanks  @jamespack!)


  • The "Azure Cloud Shell" connection no longer depends on "cpprestsdk", the removal of which shrinks our package
    by about 3MB per architecture! ( #14776)
    • Due to differences in credential storage, this will require you to go through the Device Code authentication flow
  • Terminal no longer needs to shell out to reg.exe to manipulate the registry to work around a platform limitation
    ( #15028) ( #15050)

Bug Fixes

  • Starting Terminal with an elevate:true profile should no longer cause an admin elevation loop (oops) ( #14946)
  • "Open in Terminal" no longer shows up in ZIP files (???) ( #15236) (thanks  @jamespack!)
  • The "Developer Command Prompt / PowerShell" profiles no longer override your starting directory ( #15035)
  • Copying HTML to your clipboard no longer results in reeeeeally tiny text on high-DPI displays ( #15046)
  • On very wide monitors, the Outlines shader sample no longer looks quite bad ( #14971)


  • The about dialog heading is now read out properly to a screen reader ( #15200) (thanks  @BenConstable9!)
  • The "reset color" button in the tab color picker is now more visible to screen readers ( #15257) (thanks  @BenConstable9!)

UI and stuff like it

  • @jamespack has added epxlanatory text to "Always Show Tabs" explaining why it can't be turned off sometimes ( #15154) (thanks  @jamespack!)
  • Opening a profile from a submenu no longer yeets keyboard focus off into space ( #15077) (thanks  @kkostrzewa>!)
  • When you're hovering over a URL, we now display it in a partially-encoded form to help you avoid homoglyph attacks ( #15095)

Reliability and Performance

  • Animations are disabled during startup so as to make Terminal start a bit faster ( #15204)
  • The system menu now opens when you press Alt+Space in the Settings UI ( #15189) (thanks  @jamespack!) with bugfixes ( #15253)

VT and Compatibility

  • We'll no longer crash when VTParameters::subspan is out of range ( #15235) (thanks  @j4james!)

Code Health, WPF and Windows Console

These changes impact the Terminal developer experience or the Windows Console Host. Changes to conhost will be released
in a coming Windows update.

  • We have removed all traces of the UWP Terminal (which was an internal build for Windows 10X) ( #15222)
  • The WPF control now defaults to a history length of 9001 ( #15129)

Release Windows Terminal v1.17.11391.0 · microsoft/terminal