Microsoft 11827 Published by

Microsoft has released Windows Terminal 1.22.10731.0, a servicing release that addresses various bugs, enhances Japanese naming for Split and Rename Tab, improves ConPTY functionality, and optimizes pipe closure during startup to prevent hanging issues.

Windows Terminal v1.22.10731.0

This is a quick servicing release; expect more to follow!

Bug Fixes

  • We've resolved a source of deadlocks on console session handoff ( #18676)
  • The Japanese names for Split Tab and Rename Tab have been improved ( #18569) (thanks  @consvc!)


  • ConPTY will now tear down properly if you close its pipes while it is starting up ( #18588)
  • ConPTY will no longer hang on startup if you do not provide a well-formed response to DA1 ( #18681)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.22.250314001.Asset Hashes

    • SHA256 DB3AF1B1C29E430A89766937A8B6D0F5F9DCF5D7CB33059ED3E09AD7518C19B4
  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.22.10731.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 B2A5D96AFED0E2F187AB46C71F10006E462FA71D75E43D87DC87C7C6552E236B
    • SHA256 D5304ADDD137D84274ECC4731FBCCE4C7C7110EE02FC6626A0D739F31C9BBE98
    • SHA256 1D15F5ED4E81324226D24390FA3CD9F5D9C4BC6639F81992B2E38B99881F6A6B
    • SHA256 4FFD562483BCD7172C7BD56D3FD378A247032644A18E96B88D512D2B0A494328

Release Windows Terminal v1.22.10731.0 · microsoft/terminal