Microsoft 11821 Published by

A new release of the Windows Terminal Preview has been made available, which includes improvements and fixes for bugs. It is now compatible with computers that have an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, it correctly reads console output characterW on lines that have narrow surrogate pairs, and it is no longer pushed around by wide characters when an auto-detected URL or search result is being displayed. All of the localizations have been checked into the project, and directly displayed control characters are now available.

Windows Terminal Preview v1.20.10822.0

Windows Terminal Preview 1.20 needed some servicing too, so I figured... why not?

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • We've rolled back to an older compiler to get Terminal working on Intel Core 2 Duo machines again (!) ( #16907)
  • ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW no longer fails on lines containing narrow surrogate pairs ( #16898)
  • Auto-detected URLs and search results are no longer pushed around by wide characters (oops) ( #16787) (thanks  @comzyh and  @lhecker!)
  • We will now display control characters literally if they were produced with the Windows Console APIs ( #16825) (thanks  @j4james!)
  • So many of you have screenshots that contain our "set terminal as default?" banner, which we take to mean that you never noticed it. We got rid of it. Balance is restored. ( #16873)
  • Entering the tab switcher via the command palette no longer selects the wrong tab ( #16858) (thanks  @AlejandroBlanco2001!)
  • All localizations are now checked into the project, so you can build any historic version with all of its original languages ( #16835)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.20.240322002-preview.Asset Hashes

  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_1.20.10822.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 2DE1BF8E66469C3C2F26F6398ED56EDBA33E6635AB227C9EF26D0ED8E39A90AA
    • SHA256 7FAF725A1ADDB05B2B23692EF9970A2336589E6B68B6789B6E77A53A1688BA9F
    • SHA256 0CC49F67C51228F9677EC96D01F1E8C39720E0EA3A686E06FC8592A3F927C46D
    • SHA256 60EE40125419F0813B3C055555B388E3C9CE953EDF800B43EC85F331D2FA91B2

Release Windows Terminal Preview v1.20.10822.0 · microsoft/terminal