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Microsoft will call it quits not only on Windows XP in less than two months, but will pull the plug on Office 2003 the same day

From Computerworld:
After April 8, Office 2003, which debuted on Oct. 21, 2003, will no longer receive security updates, no matter which flavor of Windows it's running on.

Although Microsoft has made noise about ditching Windows XP, it has spoken infrequently about Office 2003's deadline. One of the few places on its website where it has talked about the latter's end-of-life, or EOL, is here.

"We're seeing the same kind of pockets as with XP," said Wes Miller, an analyst with Directions on Microsoft, of Office 2003 users in business. "A lot of people were on holding patterns with XP and didn't upgrade from Office 2003 to Office 2007."
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