Microsoft 11823 Published by

OSNN has posted day 0 of their WinHEC Coverage

Looks like NetRyder has just crawled off to bed after a busy night, I don't have the full details but aside from being kitted out with enough gear to make sure he will be pretty much 64bit when he returns home looks like he has been given a few games (as well as some top notch hardware) that definatly have me interested. We know that Chronicles of Riddick and Shad Ows seem to run in 64bit mode, but it is definatly good to see Unreal Tournament 2004 in there and I do remember a 64bit version being talked of, perhaps we will see it soon! FarCry64 is another one we know well and it looks like NetRyder may have been checking it out? It won't just be a64bit port from what I have heard, better textures at least! Anyway, check out the photos that NetRyder has posted while he gets his beauty sleep!
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