Software 42993 Published by

WOT for Internet Explorer 20100303 has been released

lt;a href=;Also available for Firefoxlt;/agt;

Make your Internet Explorer browser more secure with the WOT add-on. Keep yourself safe from spyware, adware, spam, viruses, browser exploits, unreliable online shops, phishing, and other Internet scams. With the free WOT browser add-on, you can easily see the reliability of companies and websites. WOT will warn you and save your computer before you interact with a harmful site.

WOT, Web of Trust, lets Internet users share their knowledge of websites, helping you stay in control when you surf the Web. Besides its users, WOT uses hundreds of trusted sources such as phishing site listings to keep you protected against rapidly spreading online threats.

As you search with Google, you will see a tiny icon next to the Web link: green to go, yellow to slow down, red to stop. WOT has information on 20 million websites, and the reputation database is updated every 30 minutes. WOT ratings are shown also on Yahoo!, Gmail, Wikipedia, Digg,, AOL, and MSN. No registration is required.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win 2K/03/XP/Vista | Size: 960 KB]