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Got Apex? has posted a review on the Microsoft XBOX

The war that has raged between the fanboys has been around since the days of the ATARI and Intellivision game consoles. Back in those days, sprites (characters), consisted of simple colors and maybe an occassional face in those graphically advanced games for the platforms. Now we have consoles that rival the mighty PC gaming platform. Since electronic gaming came to be, the power of the PC often hung over the available consoles as a beacon of what the console platforms could never hope to achieve. Of course, this was an understood concession by console gaming addicts as the PC was a constantly evolving platform. In contrast, the console had to remain unchanged for at least a couple of years in order to build a worthy software library. With the delivery of the PS2 by Sony, we finally saw a glimpse of what kind of gaming power could be crammed into a space-limited console box.
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