Got Apex? takes a look on the X-Micro WLAN 11g combo wifi finder and wireless adapter
I've gotten past the whole reviewing video cards thing. At my age, I'm more about the coolness factor, the utility, or the handiness of a gadget. Which is why I rather enjoy the occasional package from the folks at X-Micro. They seem to share my love of tiny packages that pack a lot of use, coming up with products that maybe don't always have the wide mainstream appeal of the latest GPU but offer up a handy way of dealing with typical real worldX-Micro WLAN 11g Combo Finder Adapter Review
Now, fun is all relative, and I have to admit that yes, I'm pretty easy to amuse. So while some folks maybe don't see the point in driving around town, looking for wireless spots, to me that's a pleasant afternoon. That's a good time right there. So a product like the WLan 11g Combo Finder Adapter is right up nerd alley as far as I'm concern. Geek Nirvana.