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Storage Review has posted a review on the Yamaha CRW2100S CD-RW.

CD Winbench 99 transfer rate measurements peg the Yamaha´s sequential transfers at 18X on the innermost tracks and at 37X on the outer edge of our test CD. The CRW2100S comes in a hair slower than its ATAPI brother here. Both are under Yamaha´s 40X spec, but as we learned in our CRW2100E review, the Yamaha does not reach its spec until the outer edge of a completely filled 700 MB disc. The transfer rate graph reveals no problem areas, save for a small dip at around 300 MB. This is normal most drives we´ve tested exhibit such minor dips.

In CD Winbench 99´s access time test, the CRW2100S yields a 137 ms average. That´s a bit quicker than Yamaha´s 160 ms spec, but 7 ms slower than the CRW2100E. This, though keeps the SCSI Yamaha slightly ahead of the Plextors. We´re pleased to see most CD-RW access times improving over time.
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