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APH Networks posted a review on the ZIP-LINQ USB Power Adapters

Recharging your gadgets via your computer's USB port may be somewhat a convenience, but think again: what if you are on trip, and a computer is unavailable for use with charging? What if this... what if that? The most common way to solve this problem is to go out and purchase an AC adapter designed specifically for the device you wish to charge -- often costing you an arm and a leg. You might argue that purchasing a generic $10 AC adapter from eBay for your Zen Micro can be the ticket, but for less common comsumer electronics, you are pretty much out of luck but to leave a burnt hole in your pocket from purchasing an AC adapter from the manufacturer. Worst of all, the AC adapter you paid for is usually only compatible with one product. Solution? Check out the ZIP-LINQ USB Power Adapters over at APH Networks Reviews.
ZIP-LINQ USB Power Adapters Review